Tomorrow´s logistics & industrial environmentBuilding new premises? Expanding? A complete, new building? Sparring about the possibilities? Before we start with ‘B’ for Building, we go back to ‘A’ for Analysis. What do you want to achieve with the new premises? What is the aim? Is it to work faster, more efficiently and/or more sustainably? To resolve specific problems? To save costs in the end? To exploit new markets? An astute analysis enables Unibouw to build intelligently and purposefully, thereby helping you to achieve goals and attain a operating result.
Thinking on
At Unibouw, we think with you and with your business process. What is needed in the short term? But also, how can we lay a foundation for the future? Unibouw is familiar with various branches of industry, and is happy to act as a professional sparring partner for your construction plans.
Making acquaintance
Unibouw will come to you for a no-obligation analysis discussion. We’ll answer your questions and sketch the possibilities for building or converting business premises. What is involved? What do you need to take account of? For example, consider the dimensions of the premises in relation to the business operation and the office layout. In this phase, we consider all the facets that are important to you and your business, so that we can smoothly continue to the next step.
Professional sparring partner
Unibouw has knowledge and experience of various branches of industry, and knows exactly what your premises need and what needs to happen to achieve that. In this way, we can advise you properly about your new business premises.