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Noordman Hout

“I think it’s really impressive that the planning schedule was so well adhered to. There was sometimes a danger of falling behind on the very tight schedule, but that was sorted out immediately. The site foreman did his utmost to achieve that. When necessary he also chased me, as a supplier. And rightly so. My sons were keen to have a trendy type of wood. I’m nearly seventy and have a rather different taste, so we had to sort that out internally. But it all turned out right in the end!”

Joep said that he enjoyed the construction. “I can really appreciate it when I see such a building go up. I’m also really impressed by the cooperation with Unibouw. The communication was perfect, and the management of the contract variations was also completely in order. I know the construction business, and I know that can’t always be taken for granted. And I thinks that’s enough compliments for now.”

Joep Noordman

Proud of every square meters


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